
After the launch of a new coloring experience where we added more tools, we thought, why stop there? Although our original color wheel with 700 colors sparked creativity for over 12 million users, there was a request for more diverse shades to match the diversity of our drawings. But first things first!

From dots of colors to palette wheels

We started with a complete redesign of the palette, moving away from swatches of color to wheels, creating an enhanced experience for the user. The new design isn't just seamless; it also gives us the opportunity to offer more shades of all the colors within a palette.


                   Old Design

               Old Design

                      New Design

                  New Design

More is More

Joining the existing Artist and Mood palettes, our new curated palettes, going beyond the classic Rainbow, simplify the color selection process for your drawings and level up your coloring with the extra shades. Now you can discover a spectrum of hues with a simple swipe in all directions, a motion that will unlock endless opportunities for your drawings. Use palettes to ignite your creativity or as a helpful tool when seeking inspiration for selecting initial colors for your drawing.


With a variety of diverse palettes, we are also proud to unveil the highly-requested and carefully-selected "Skin Tones" palette. This makes Lake not just diverse in drawing selection, but also in representation, allowing our users to infuse their artwork with a new level of authenticity.


Let Lake's new diverse palettes inspire imagination and add a burst of color to the world!

<aside> 💡 Here you can find screenshots of Lake’s New Palettes for you to use in the articles, reviews, social media posts, etc. If you use them, please mention Lake in the credits.
