<aside> 💡 Do you know that you can also journal in Lake? The One-of-a-kind Coloring Journal is combining the best of both worlds while supporting you with a daily mood tracker, personalized coloring palettes, mindfully curated drawings and a safe space for you to write down your thoughts. And just like a proper journal, all of that comes wrapped up in a beautiful journal cover of your choice.


🔎 Who is Coloring Journal for?

Well, everyone! But mainly for anyone who would like to cultivate gratitude, practice mindfulness and find a soothing self-supportive daily habit, or should we say, a companion.

👀 Why do I need it?

Because mood tracking can be an effective way of battling anxiety, depression, and all sorts of other moods, as well as empowering you even more when you already feel great. When combined with coloring, it can help you express your emotions or create a healthy distance from them. In this way, you can establish a positive mental habit-building routine and deal with overwhelming emotions while encouraging yourself to grow and bloom.

❓How do I start?

Start slowly and steadily by choosing a journal cover that truly speaks to you. Then, follow a simple and well-guided entry flow. First, track your mood and select the emotions you are feeling. Discover a unique coloring palette that reflects your feelings, choose one of the carefully selected drawings, and color it in your own way. Remember, there is no right or wrong when it comes to coloring. The flow ends with a simple blank space, giving you an opportunity to reflect with words.

Coloring Journal is already waiting for you on our Hey! tab and is free for all Lake users!

Happy journaling! 😊

Coloring Journal